Things To Know
Please read before contacting

Rental Fee
Events (10 Hours Max.) Payments (Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Money Order)
Security Deposit Fee (Refundable)
The security deposit is due at the time of application. Payments (Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Money Order)
The renting party must provide approved KCPD Off-Duty Officers for their event. Officers may be requested
by contacting the Kansas City Missouri Police Department at 816-234-5388 or offduty@kcpd.org. Contracted
off-duty officer rates vary from $38-$53/hr. Minimum of three (3) hours of service. 72-hour cancellation
notice required. All Events must have security. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Rental Hours
​3:00 PM- 1:30 AM
(Sunday - Saturday)
Limited holiday rentals available
View rental space by Appointment ONLY. (Fridays)
Not Allowed
No cooking or grilling
Alcoholic beverages are allowed but CANNOT BE SOLD.
Cooling / Heating
No direct air-conditioning and only heating – units may be rented as needed