Engage JCFC youth in marketable artistic, technical, and academic skill building to be part of the new creative mural economy.
What is Integrated Arts Education at ArtsTech?
ArtsTech will provide an average of 150 hours of service per month at Detention, Jackson House, Hilltop, ArtsTech, and other sites as needed and approved by Family Court. The main objective is to engage JCFC youth in marketable artistic, technical, and academic skill building to be part of the new creative mural economy. New skill development will include but not limited to:
Graphic Design
ArtsTech’s focus will be to develop murals at the Kemp Building, Detention Center, and Hilltop Residential facility. Participants will learn various business aspects of designing, implementing, pricing, and time management of their respective murals. As youth move through the court system, their new skills will be transferable to the different mural projects and offer continuity for learning the process of mural making, not just the end product.
Additionally, Social and academic skill building is a vital component of this initiative. Skills include
Project Management
Conflict resolution
Business planning
Job readiness training
End product development